
The very high energy share of the SolBio-Rev solution results to a reduction of the dependence on fossil fuels by up to 70%, thus aiding on EU energy security of supply, for: (1) heating with gas commonly used in EU, with boiler efficiency of 90%, (2) cooling with standard electrical chillers or air-conditioners (powered by grid electricity generated from fossil fuels), with an average COP of 2.5, and (3) electricity needs from gas-fired power plants, with a typical thermal efficiency of 40%, including transmission and conversion losses.

The technologies developed will have extended lifetime expectancy of at least 20 up to 40 years. Moreover, SolBio-Rev’s materials and components will be selected to maximise their (re-)useability or recyclability, contributing to the circular economy.

Reducing air pollutant emissions: SolBio-Rev solution reduces air pollutants emitted for heating (e.g. from gas/oil boilers) and for electricity production (e.g. from power plants), including cooling production. The air pollutants from biomass will be minimised due to its high combustion efficiency and EGR operation. The overall result is reduced emissions of particulate matter (PM) (almost all from cooling), CO (almost all form heating), NOx (similar from cooling and heating) and SOx emissions (almost all from cooling), compared to the same mix of heating and electricity generation from fossil fuels (using a typical energy mix for electricity generation in EU).

Air pollutants (kg/year) and reduction in the new MFB in Athens

Reference new MFB of 1,000 sqm in Athens NOx SOx CO PM Total
Without SolBio-Rev 14.28 127.80 10.29 0.79 153.17
With SolBio-Rev 6.16 70.18 3.34 0.40 80.08
Reduction (%) 56.9 45.1 67.6 49.4 47.7


Reducing CO2 emissions: A similar study for CO2 emissions has been also conducted. The calculations show that the SolBio-Rev reduces these emissions by about 70% in the reference MFB and by 45% in the commercial building.

The use of the SolBio-Rev system in EU buildings of various sizes and types could lead to the reduction of primary energy consumption of the whole building sector (including single-family houses) by 40% (compared to the current energy consumption of 430 Mtoe/year) and 15% of CO2 emissions.