The SolBio-Rev project concept is to develop a configuration based on renewables that allows covering all heating and cooling demand and a variable electricity demand (from zero up to even 100%) in a cost-effective manner. This configuration is based on solar, ambient and bioenergy, while it is suitable to be installed in various buildings types and sizes without any geographical restriction. The main technologies included have already proven their performance and they are combined with the aim to exploit all possible energy flows/sources, ensuring their cost-effectiveness compared to standard solutions.
The system concept relies on integrating a creative heat pump-based configuration with innovative components and an advanced system control that combined, allow the maximised use of renewable energy in buildings at any moment of the year in all EU climatic zones.
This flexible configuration is illustrated in the following figure, and except from utilising ambient energy, is supplied by solar and bioenergy.
- solar thermal collectors equipped with TEGs for producing heat and electricity, adjusting the on/off operation of TEGs according to the operating mode, and
- a biomass boiler with low air pollutants operating as backup heater in winter at CHP mode.